For Researchers
A number of grant writing consultants are available to help researchers and scholars develop proposals. The following consultants are available as vendors through ISU Purchasing. Principal investigators interested in hiring a consultant should review information about each consultant to see which best fits their needs, including whether the consultant has worked with the target sponsor for the proposal. A summary of grant consultant expertise can be found in the PDF below:
Please read the guidelines within the individual contracts for requesting the services of a grant writing consultant.
- Maberry Consulting & Evaluation
- Partners for Educational Development Inc.
- Jet Co Solutions LLC
- Vraiment Financial LLC
In order to do business with any of these suppliers, the following four steps must be completed:
1) The PI should speak to the grant writing consultant to discuss project details including the scope of the project, timeline, cost, etc.
Note: Using an Iowa State University Contracted Grant Writing Consultant eliminates the need to go through a competitive bid process.
2) If satisfied, and if the PI wishes to engage the consultant, the PI will need to get a detailed statement of work from the consultant that includes the following 12 items:
- Company Name
- Company Address
- Company Email Address
- Company Phone
- Quote Number
- Date the Quote was Created
- Name of the Iowa State Department/Unit the quote is for
- Name of the contact person for that Iowa State Department/Unit
- Name of the Consultant providing the quote
- Description/summary of the work or project
- Timeline for the project (with estimated start and finish dates if possible)
3) Once the statement of work has been received, it will need to be submitted as an attachment to a Request for a Non-Catalog Requisition.
4) Once the Non-Catalog Requisition has been fully approved, Procurement Services will issue a PO to the consultant and work can begin.
Note: NO work should begin until the PO is issued.