Mentorship Resources
The Office of the Vice President for Research strives to lead a culture of research professionalism that helps Iowa State University achieve its strategic aspiration to be the university that cultivates a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where students, faculty, and staff flourish.
Proper mentorship that models and shapes the standards of dignity, mutual respect, and integrity by which we comport ourselves – from student to senior administration – is a critical component of professionalism. Developing a culture of professionalism through mentoring is also an expectation of those who fund our research projects and those who employ our graduates.
This page was created to serve as a living repository for those looking for guidance on the complex issue of mentorship. The information is shared by audience. It will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated with new, relevant resources as they become available.
For senior administration, including new department chairs and academic leaders, consider this resource compiled by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost.
For faculty, consider these resources:
- Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost: Faculty mentoring
- Graduate College: mentoring and advising graduate students
- Undergraduate Research: Best practices for mentoring undergraduate students
For postdoctoral scholars considering a future in faculty: the Preparing Future Faculty program.
- External: Mentoring Resources for Postdocs
For graduate students, consider these resources:
- You and your major professor
- Student and major professor checklist
- Graduate College: Professional development resources
- Graduate College: Career services
- ISU graduate course GR ST 565: Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering
- CITI training for graduate students and postdocs (NOTE: CITI training modules are available at no cost to anyone affiliated with Iowa State University. If you have not already done so, you will need to register and establish an account using your ISU netID. You can learn more at the CITI Program Guide to Getting Started.)
For professional & scientific staff, consider these professional development resources from the P&S Council:
External resources
- Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research
- National Research Mentoring Network
- Mentoring Institute – University of New Mexico
- Midwest Experiences in Mentoring Excellence
- HHS – The Office of Research Integrity: Mentoring International Post Docs
- Nature’s Guide for Mentors
- Nature – Mentoring Resources for Scientists
- Nature – Why Science Needs Strong Mentors
- National Academies – Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On being a mentor to students in science and engineering
- National Academies – Mentoring of Black Graduate and Medical Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, and Early-Career Faculty in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
- Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science – Mentoring: Meeting the NSF Requirement