Facilities and Administrative costs (F&A), formerly called “indirect costs” or “IDCs,” are actual costs to the university incurred when research, education, or outreach projects are performed at ISU. The F&A rate is negotiated at regular intervals with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and includes facilities and administrative components across the university.
The Controller’s Department requested a four-year extension of the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost Rate Agreement for Iowa State University with the federal government. The extended agreement – dated June 29, 2020 – is effective for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2024, and will continue to be used after the end of FY 2024 until a new rate agreement is established.
Effective 7/1/2018 through 6/30/2024
Organized Research: 53%
Instruction: 53%
Other Sponsored Activities: 33%
Off-Campus Activities: 26%
Effective 7/1/2016 through 6/30/2018
Organized Research: 52%
Instruction: 53%
Other Sponsored Activities: 33%
Off-Campus Activities: 26%
The F&A rates noted above are applied to the modified total direct cost base (MTDC) of the project. Modified total direct costs include all direct costs except the costs of equipment, capital expenditures, patient care, tuition, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and subcontracts in excess of $25,000.
All sponsored projects are required to charge the full F&A rate, regardless of the sponsor, unless one of the exceptions below applies. This requirement to charge the full F&A rate rule applies to applications and proposals submitted to government agencies, private companies, industrial groups, foundations, or other organizations.
For proposals that meet one of the following pre-approved circumstances, the explanation of the proposed rate must be submitted on the GoldSheet and appropriate documentation must be included to substantiate the exception. All other reductions/waivers not included in the list below must be approved through the department/center/institute and college/VP unit prior to submitting the request form to the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration. Use the form for submitting an F&A waiver request.