Yes. Even if this collaborator was identified in your proposal and on the GoldSheet, the PI needs to submit a completed Subrecipient Request Form to OSPA/OIPTT after receipt of the award for OSPA/OIPTT to initiate the subaward process.
Subrecipient Management FAQs
Please refer to Subrecipient Monitoring webpage on the SPA website for further information regarding PI’s subrecipient responsibilities.
You should contact OSPA/OIPTT if your subrecipient is not performing adequately and describe the situation. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, OSPA/OIPTT may contact the Office of University Counsel to assist in resolving the situation.
Contact your OSPA Awards Team or OIPTT Industry Team staff member. This change will most likely need sponsor approval before a new subrecipient agreement can be initiated.
A contractor/vendor provides similar goods or services to many different purchasers. A subrecipient, on the other hand, participates in the sponsored project activities and has responsibility for carrying out a portion of the proposed work. A subrecipient is a participant and collaborator in the project, unlike a contractor/vendor. For more information, please refer to the ISU Guidelines for Subrecipient vs Consultant-Contractor-Vendor at the bottom of the OSPA Forms webpage.
Please refer to Subrecipient Monitoring webpage on the SPA website for further information regarding PI’s responsibilities for review and approval of subrecipient invoices.