No. PIs are responsible for retention of technical and progress reports.

In certain instances you can transfer your award.  Discuss the potential transfer with your department chair and if s/he approves the transfer, contact OSPA/OIPTT by submitting the PI Departure Questionnaire form found at  OSPA/OIPTT will review sponsor requirements for transferring the award.  You must finalize all expenditures on your ISU project worktag prior to transferring the award.

Please refer to the SPA website for further information.  For cost-reimbursable awards, unspent funds are returned to the sponsor.  The residual balance on fixed price awards may be able to be transferred to a discretionary worktag.  See the Fixed Price Award Residual Balance Procedure form for more information.

If you are nearing the end date of your project and the work is not yet complete, you can seek an extension of the project period of performance.  For federal awards, this should be requested at least 60 days before the end date.  You or your department/college/center/institute administrative support staff should prepare the No-Cost Extension Request form found at  You will need to provide a justification of why the extension is necessary (spending out the account is not a valid reason to extend a project).  OSPA/OIPTT will submit the request to the sponsor, if required, and update the end date if the extension is approved.

You should review your award document and/or terms and conditions to determine when technical reports are due.  The due date will vary between sponsors.  If you have subrecipients that will contribute to the final report, make sure to request their information early enough so you have time to incorporate this into the final report.