Page last updated: February 13, 2025

Since January 20, 2025, numerous Executive Orders (EOs) have been issued, signaling shifts in federal priorities. While federal agencies navigate these EOs – and corresponding legal actions – the Iowa State research community has responded with patience, perseverance, and resilience in the face of questions and uncertainty about both active research grants and upcoming proposals.

On January 30, 2025, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), launched an effort to provide tailored guidance to principal investigators (PIs) with questions regarding grants and proposals that were or could be impacted by changes in federal priorities and funding. Through February 10, 2025, the team had triaged and responded to more than 200 PI inquiries. Our team will continue to work with investigators as agencies provide more concrete guidance. If you have any concerns about a grant or contract, please email and include the following information in your message: your name; agency; project number; and information in question.

The OVPR will continue to work closely with our peers through professional organizations such as the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) and the Council on Government Relations (COGR) while monitoring the actions of federal agencies. We will provide guidance, updates, and links to relevant resources to help you navigate the federal research funding landscape as it continues to evolve. Please check this site frequently for updates from federal agency partners and other key resources.

Review Your Grant Language

Principal Investigators (PIs) on current grants, contracts, or subcontracts, are instructed to review proposed work and contact us ( if your project includes DEI components. Specifically, if your grant/contract contains Broader Impacts, PIER plans, or other similar sections, notify us immediately for assistance. Take note of the DEI-related direction from the Department of Education and Department of Energy in the Agency Communications section below.

Updated Guidance Based on Temporary Restraining Order

On Friday, January 31, 2025, a Federal Court issued a TRO (PDF) directing Federal grant-making agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), to “…not pause, freeze, impede, block, cancel, or terminate any awards and obligations on the basis of the OMB Memo M-25-13, or on the basis of the President’s recently issued Executive Orders.” The TRO further states that out of an abundance of caution, all federal agencies should comply with the terms of the TRO. The terms of the TRO are temporary as litigation in the case is ongoing but must be complied with until further Order of the Court. (2/4/2025)

General Guidance


  • We will continue to submit proposals as the federal agencies submission systems are operational.
  • Sponsor proposal review timelines may be extended while federal agencies navigate pauses on federal assistance funding in specific areas.
  • Sponsor RFPs may also change during this timeframe. Please check the RFP for revisions before submitting your proposal. OSPA will do all we can to review/assess changes.
  • There may be changes to proposal deadlines. Reconfirm that the RFP (proposal funding opportunity announcement) has not been revised or postponed. Monitor sponsor portals,, and emails for updates.


  • The terms and conditions of your executed award remain enforceable so long as your award is active. If there is a change to your award, OSPA or OIPTT will receive notice or an amendment for review and execution.
  • We anticipate updates to award Research Compliance and/or Award Reporting requirements. These changes could either be implemented directly by a federal agency or sponsor or may require an amendment on a project-by-project basis. We will share any information we receive with you, though you may also receive instructions directly from your Program Officer. Please forward any notifications you receive to OSPA ( or OIPTT.  It is crucial to act swiftly to ensure compliance with any new requirements, as failure to do so could jeopardize funding.
  • If specific programs are terminated or restructured, you may encounter difficulties accessing funds or meeting new criteria. Federal agencies managing these programs will typically issue guidance on how to proceed. OSPA or OIPTT will pass this along promptly if/when received.
  • Issuance of subawards by OSPA/OIPTT from federal funding sources will be paused until the federal agency has completed their analysis of their federal financial assistance programs.
  • If a program or initiative is reduced or defunded, there could be delays or pauses in payments for existing projects under those programs. While this is rare, it may occur if funding for a program is rescinded or redirected.
  • Should a stop work order be issued for an existing project, the PI will be notified promptly. If the PI receives a stop work order directly, please forward it to OSPA at for review and coordination.

Awards – What to do

  • Review your sponsored project agreement. Ensure you understand the terms, especially clauses related to funding availability and termination.
  • Closely monitor obligated and unspent balances to avoid deficits while awaiting future funding. Anticipated future funding remains subject to availability of funds and is not guaranteed.
  • Review your grant proposal and contract. If you have any DEI activities in your grant/contract, contact for assistance.
  • Communicate with the Program Officer. Stay in touch with your Program Officer to confirm there are no changes affecting your award.
  • Reports and deliverables: prioritize submission of any technical reports or deliverables that are due or past due.

Agency Communications

Section last updated: February 13, 2025

All agencies that have provided guidance have indicated that grantees shall cease and desist all DEI activities required of their contracts or grants. This work may include but is not limited to a DEI plan requirement, training, reporting, considerations for staffing, or any other direct or indirect contract or grant activity. This requirement does flow down to subrecipients. The memos ask affected PIs to connect with their cognizant program officer, or similarly titled agency representative, immediately.

Until such time as you receive specific guidance from the funding agency, if a project includes DEI components, outreach, or related activities (i.e., your project contains explicitly outlined DEI goals), you must pause these immediately and contact us at  The funding agency will not be able to distribute funds for such work beyond January 20, even if you attempt to invoice against the previously approved grant budget.

Funds previously allocated for DEI activities on your grant must remain unspent and cannot be reallocated to other budget categories. As with all changes to scope of work, such a change will need to be approved by the cognizant Program Officer. Federal agencies are currently not approving fund reallocation, and there is potential for agencies to request the return of these funds to comply with the Executive Order.

Agency communications are being monitored, and will be updated and dated, below.  If you receive any additional communications from an agency that does not appear below, please contact


Department of Defense (DOD)

Department of Education

Department of Energy (DOE)

Health and Human Services/National Institutes of Health

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

  • As of 1/29/25, NIJ has cancelled all previously posted Notices of Funding Opportunity and associated webinars.  Please check the NIJ Current Funding Opportunities webpage for any updates.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

  • NSF Implementation of Recent Executive Orders: FAQ  (2/13/2025)
  • On Friday, January 31, 2025, a Federal Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) directing Federal grant-making agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), to “…not pause, freeze, impede, block, cancel, or terminate… awards and obligations to provide federal financial assistance to the States, and… not impede the States’ access to such awards and obligations, except on the basis of the applicable authorizing statutes, regulations, and terms.” Although the language of the TRO is directed at State institutions, the Department of Justice has determined that it applies to all NSF award recipients. You can review the TRO here (PDF). To comply with the TRO, the NSF Award Cash Management Service (ACM$) system is available for awardees to request payments as of 12:00pm EST, February 2, 2025. (2/3/2025)
  • Please check the NSF Executive Order Implementation page regularly as the agency adds frequently asked questions based on community feedback. (2/3/2025)
  • NSF Implementation of Recent Executive Orders | NSF – National Science Foundation (1/28/2025)
  • UCAR, NSF NCAR Close DEI Offices Update (1/24/2025)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

  • No official USDA communications as of 1/29/2025.
  • All NIFA Requests for Applications are currently under review and have been removed from the upcoming deadlines calendar. Packages have also been removed from

Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of notifications.  Project-specific notifications may be sent directly to Principal Investigators.